Your gasket expert KLINGER A. W. Schultze

Site notice

Information pursuant to Sect. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)

KLINGER A. W. Schultze GmbH

Mercatorstraße 10
D-21502 Geesthacht

Phone.: +49 (0) 4152 / 8775-0
E-Mail: anfrage[at]

Business hours:
Mo - Do: 8:00 bis 16:00  Uhr    
Fr: 8:00 bis 15:00 Uhr

Represented by

Maik Lorenz, Geschäftsführer
Martin Holers, Prokurist


Entry in the register

Registernummer: HRB 688 GE
Amtsgericht: Lübeck

Sales tax ID no.:

DE 135 106 311


Maik Lorenz

Online editorial team

Fenja Grote
Oliver Powels

Implementation and web design

globalnetmedia - Internet Solutions
Internetagentur Hamburg / Webdesign Hamburg :
Webdesign Hamburg Kolber & Guttmann

Legal information

All information on our website was carefully reviewed.
We make every effort to keep this website current as well as accurate and complete in terms of content. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely ruled out. As a result, we are not able to guarantee that the website contents are complete, accurate and up-to-date. The publishers reserve the right to modify and/or suspend operation of this website at any time and without notice.
There is no obligation to update the contents of this website. Access and use of this website are at the user's own risk. A.W. Schultze GmbH is not responsible and does not assume any liability whatsoever for damage, including direct, indirect, incidental damage, whether specifically identifiable in advance or consequential, that supposedly arose from or in conjunction with access to and/or use of this website. The operator does not assume responsibility for content and availability of third-party websites accessed via external links from this website. The publisher expressly distances itself from any and all content that might be subject to prosecution under criminal or liability law or violate public policy. Access data are stored when contents are accessed on this website. This includes information about the page from which the file was accessed, name of the file accessed, date, time and duration of access, data volume transmitted and access status (e.g. file transmitted, file not found).
This information stored is analysed strictly for statistical purposes and never forwarded to third parties. If this website provides the option for entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses), this information is provided by the user strictly on a voluntary basis.

further disclaimer of liability

Privacy Statement

We use products of wiredminds GmbH ( for marketing and optimization purposes. These products collect and process your personal data and use it to create usage profiles under a pseudonym. These usage profiles are fully anonymized where possible and appropriate. We and wiredminds employ cookies and/or Web beacons (also known as tracking pixels) on this  website. We transfer the data we collect about you, which may also include personal data, to wiredminds or wiredminds gathers this data directly. wiredminds is entitled to use information that you leave behind by visiting our Web sites to create anonymized usage profiles. The data collected shall not be used to personally identify visitors to this website without the express permission of the party affected and shall not be merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. Any IP addresses recorded are anonymized immediately by deleting the last number block.   Permission to collect and store data in the future may be revoked at any time.

Exclude from tracking.


To privacy police


Die Inhalte auf dieser Website sowie die Gestaltung der Website unterliegen dem Urheberrecht der Firma A.W. Schultze GmbH. Die Verbreitung ist nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung der Firma A.W. Schultze GmbH zulässig. Dies gilt auch für die Aufnahme in elektronische Datenbanken und Vervielfältigungen auf CD-ROM.
Vor der Aufnahme eines Links auf unsere Website oder einzelne Seiten der Website sind wir zu informieren, damit wir den Datenursprung überprüfen können um evtl. eine Unterlassung auszusprechen.

Copyright information

The content of this website as well as its design are subject to the copyright of A.W. Schultze GmbH. Distribution is permissible only with written approval by A.W. The same applies to inclusion on electronic databases and duplication on CD-ROM.
We must be informed prior to adding any links to our website or individual pages thereof to allow for verification of the data source and, if appropriate, denial of the request.

Picture credits/copyright:
On its website, A. W. Schultze GmbH uses photos from among others. The online editorial team will provide information regarding particular picture credits.


Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter finden; die Plattform wird ab dem 15.02.2016 ihren Betrieb aufnehmen.